Saturday, March 17, 2012

Beekeeping for Dummies

So, you should probably know that I am a Rookie Beekeeper, a Newbie, as the gentleman from the Maryland State Beekeepers Association (MSBA) called me yesterday when I spoke to him over the telephone. That being said, I need a lot of help.

No worries, because asking around, reading what others have posted online, talking to several experienced beekeepers in the area and making a few phone calls really helps. But I must say, if there has been one thing that has really helped me through this time of honest preparation to start beekeeping, it
s been a book called

Beekeeping for Dummies.

At first, I was going to buy it on for $12, but then I
checked on my local library and realized that they had 3 copies available for check-out, so I went ahead and saved myself $12.

After reading the first 10 chapters, I had so many questions which in turn, lead me to so many good, solid and positive answers online and through simple conversations with other beekeepers. If you are really interested, get yourself a copy of this book today! Buy it, borrow it, download it on your e-reader, just find this book. You will be glad you did. First of all, it comes to you with the assumption that you know nothing about beekeeping
(which is true) a
nd guides you through everything you need to buy, the times and seasons of beekeeping, what to do when you introduce your queen, your bees, when the weather changes, how to keep your hive strong and health. Pretty much, it provides you with a crash-course in beekeeping and gives awesome suggestions of what to do in any given situation.

ve looked at several other books these last 3 weeks and I can honestly say that this book provides the best introduction for the price. Try this book out for yourself and come back and tell me that it didn
t provide many good and sound insights into beekeeping. As for me, I
m going to give this book a 10; but like Levar Burton used to say in that old show Reading Rainbow:

you don't have to take my word for it.

s funny, because as a kid, the Reading Rainbow episode when Levar talked about Bees was one of my favorite episodes as a child. If you
re interested, you can see the episode here:

Note: I just got back from ordering my first Queen and package of Italian bees. My girls should be arriving from Georgia on March 29th and Ill be picking them up on March 30th.

Stayed tuned . . .

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